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11 Dec What is the right carbohydrates intake for the LCHF and keto diets?
0 16535
The LCHF diet is a diet with low carbohydrate content and high fat content. The abbreviation LCHF stands for "Low Carb, High Fat." The main idea is to reduce carbohydrate intake, especially fast carbo..
07 Dec Key Principles of the Paleo Diet
0 11285
Introduction to the Paleo Diet:Definition: The Paleolithic diet, or the "diet of ancient people," is based on the idea that the human body is better adapted to food similar to what our ancestors consu..
22 Nov Black Friday at DietStore24!
0 11882
Black Friday at starts on Wednesday.Discounts up to 50% on healthy products.Torras chocolate with up to 50% discount - delicious and without unnecessary calories.Natural sweeteners wit..
10 Oct FODMAP diet
0 14389
What is a low FODMAP diet? Between 15 and 20% of the population suffers from irritable bowel syndrome or spastic colitis. This disease causes many complaints such as abdominal pain and flatulence.FODM..
20 Sep Keto Sushi Recepe
0 14790
Ingredients:Nori leaves – 3Régime Rice – 140 gAvocado – 1/2Red pepper – 1/2Cucumber – 1/4Wasabi Sesame seedsPreparation method:Step 1.Prepare the Régime rice. Rinse the rice as directed on the packagi..
30 Jun Low Carb Carbonara
0 20998
Ingridients:200 g Adams Paste or Shirataki noodles150g bacon or bacon, diced 3 eggs 50 g grated parmesan cheese Salt and black pepper to taste Fresh chopped parsley leaves (optional)Preparation:Cook p..
30 Jun Italian coffee
0 20525
To make Italian coffee or espresso, follow these steps: Prepare fresh ground coffee beans. Choose dark roasted beans and grind them into a medium fine coffee grind. Ideally, use freshly ground beans t..
30 Jun Classic Caesar salad
0 21032
Ingredients:2 slices white bread, diced (from Helles bread mix) 2 cups chopped iceberg lettuce 1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese 2 minced garlic cloves 2 tbsp. tablespoons fresh lemon juice 3 art. spoons..
29 Jun The culture and traditions of Italian cuisine, which should also be introduced into your daily diet
0 10273
Itālija ir romantiska un skaista valsts ar neskaitāmi daudz vietām, ko apmeklēt un redzēt, piemēram, slīpais pizas tornis un pasakainā Venēcija, bet lai izbaudītu Itālijas burvību pilnībā, ir jāiepazī..
26 May Do you know how to grill properly?
25 May Recipe for weekends: strawberry diakiri without sugar
0 19825
Recepte nedēļas nogalei: zemeņu daikiri bez cukura (var pagatavot gan ar alkoholu, gan bez)4 glāzēm:400 g saldētu zemeņu100 ml SukrinSirup Gold1 glāze silta ūdens2-4 ēdamkarotes Sukrin Gold (atkarībā ..
25 May Useful recipe: rubber mashed
0 18930
Полезный рецепт: пюре из ревеня200 г ревеня30 г Sukrin2 столовые ложки водыЭкстракт ванилиРевень нарезать небольшими кусочками и варить вместе с другими ингредиентами (пока ревень не растворится). Нем..
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